Here is how the frontpanel will look like. I've never been a big graphic designer so the design is kept quite simple. Each blue field contains the knobs for one sound module. The sound modules are intentionally not labeled since the modules are (or should be) designed flexible enough to to create sounds which are beyond the scope each separate module was designed for. Still the intended use is (from left to right): bass drum, snare drum, high-hats (open and closed), tom and crash. The bottom part is the step sequencer with red leds showing the pattern of a single instrument and green leds which show the position in the sequence. Two rotary knobs select the intrument which should be edited. Apart from the six internal modules an external channel (there's an accent and trigger out for this channel) and a digital sample player (a future project) can be programmed. Four patterns can be stored, the pattern to be edited is selected using the second rotary switch. The rest is self-explanatory i think.

Oops, i forgot to say: the case will be an plastic toolbox, so the size is adapted to this box.
6 Kommentare:
How about making all instruments the same size? (well, maybe ist my german "ordnungssinn" to ask for that :) ).
Also I suggest to gather all the Volume Knobs as sliders in some kind of small mixing desk on the right side below the instruments
Why the green leds? The regular Roland Machines just blink the Leds off if it is already on in the pattern and vise versa.
thanks for the advices!
@stiev a. : what do you mean with 'all instruments the same size' ?
i'll think about putting all volumes in a separate mixing block.. the basic idea was to have all the controls for one instrument in one graphical block..
@bilderbok: that's a good idea! but i want to have a separate counter led bar since i want to know where i am in the sequence when the sequencer is paused
the blue fields on top have different sizes - I just thought it might look a little bit nicer if htey were all the same size ...
I was thinking about this, but size is limited on the enclosure so i decided to pack the sound modules as much as possible. Maybe the layout gets changed later on depending on the number of 'significant' knobs per sound modules..
have you seenladyada's x0xb0x kit? a similar layout may work well. also the case is , standard PT-10.
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